The longer, deeper, and more intensely I live with a subject, the more ideas emerge, the richer the ideas become, and the more the insights come.
Michael Hall
Time to Think training, now also online, enables deep thinking and allows you to enter the creative spaces in your brain that are otherwise locked away, denied because of assumptions, prejudices and interruptions. Time to Think, by Nancy Kline, liberates your thinking and creativity, takes you easily and effortlessly into deep thinking, enhances your ability to solve those intractable issues, enter the zones of discomfort and discussion that impedes good working, and much, much more. The coaching world has long known about it, now businesses leaders have seen how Time to Think transforms teams.
The 5-step plan for success with our Time to Think training
- Boost your leadership and increase team creativity by embedding Time to Think.
- Maintain market position in today's information rich world by nurturing excellent thinking.
- Revolutionise business processes, increase productivity with our accredited Nancy Kline Thinking Environment training.
- Increase cognitive diversity and enable your workforce to be the best they can be, giving them time to think.
- Reduce stress by bringing the humanity back into high pressured work environments.
Allow your greatest resource, your workforce, to access their greatest resource - generative thinking with our in-house and open courses.
Also available, tailored packages for you and your business that truly gives you Time to Think.
Also available, tailored packages for you and your business that truly gives you Time to Think.
THINKING PARTNERSHIPS: Produces breakthrough thinking
TIME TO THINK FOUNDATION: Improves business processes
1. Our on line Thinking Partnerships training liberates the mind to think for itself with unprecedented clarity, originality and rigour.
2. It's an essential coaching and mentoring skill ideal for all those managing and leading people. 3. It allows you to develop creative thought processes and resolve long standing issues in a shorter time-frame. 4. Embedding Time to Think helps to reduce stress or anxiety at all levels. 5. Time to think allows you to quickly deconstruct 'messy' problems with clear actions and outcomes. |
1. Our on line Time to Think Foundation training profoundly improves your meeting culture and reduces meeting time.
2. It produces a measurable, positive impact on performance indicators as thinking becomes more focused. 3. It significantly enhances team working, fosters productive working relationships and allows you to have those challenging conversations. 4. It improves diversity of thinking leading to better decision making at all levels. 5. Time to think allows you to improve business processes throughout the organisation. |
Want to know how to become an accredited Thinking Environment Facilitator or Coach? Click here.
"The quality of every decision you make depends on the quality of the thinking you do first." Nancy Kline